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STUD KFS // General Assembly and Celebration of the NFL season ending

  • The KFS apartment 98 Ågade, 4th floor København N, 2200 Denmark (kort)

Once a year we meet and talk about our fellowship in KFS-CPH. We would love to eat burgers with you, and talk about the things that are good and the things that can be better in KFS-CPH. If you are up to it, you can stay and be a part of the afterparty, which will be a celebration of the NFL season ending. Before this there will be snacks, talk and introduction to the rules.You are welcome to join us after the general assembly (10pm).

6pm - Burgers
7pm - KFS Cph. General assembly
10pm - Snacks, talk and rules
00am - Celebration of the NFL season ending


Tidligere begivenhed: 29. januar
STUD KFS // Discovering the nature of sexuality
Senere begivenhed: 12. februar
STUD KFS // "Eftertanke"