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STUD KFS // An evening about the unity of the Church

  • Fredens Church 68 Ryesgade København, 2100 Denmark (kort)

By Birger Nygaard

Through time, the Christian church have been separated into many different churches, with both varieties  and similarities. But the bible mentions the church as a unit, so what can we say about it in our time? and is it even important to meet across the different churches?

Birger Nygaard, who is theologian and general secretary in Folkekirkens mellemkirkelige råd, will share his knowledge and experience of the possibilities and difficulties that follows the work for the unity of the church.  


Tidligere begivenhed: 26. november
STUD KFS // Shema - By all your heart
Senere begivenhed: 13. december
STUD KFS // Chrismas carols service