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Graduate party (Last meeting this semester)

  • Fælledparken, tårnlegepladsen, 2100 København (kort)

Congratz on finishing the semester and getting your high school diploma (and hat)!!
We look forward to throwing the geeks into the lake, playing some classical summer games and dancing the night away #limbostyle with you.


We'll meet at the playground with the towers in Fælledparken at 18:00, where we'll light the barbecues, chill some and then eat.

After dinner we plan to compete in two teams and find out who has the most true hat ... :) Once it gets darker we'll light a fire and spend some time in worship.

Tidligere begivenhed: 12. juni
// Eftertanke //
Senere begivenhed: 28. august
STUD KFS // Eftertanke & Semesterlounge