[English below]
Denne aften får vi besøg af sangerinde, musiker og frontfigur i AYA MAI, Amanda Thomsen, som vil dele sine refleksioner om at gøre karriere inden for musikbranchen.
Amanda vil fortælle om sine drømme og længsler for sin musik, samt de udfordringer, der kan være ved at skulle markere sig i en kommerciel og konkurrencepræget branche. Hvordan spiller troen på Gud ind i hendes drømme og udfordringer? Og har troen betydning for det musiske output?
Aftenen vil udover oplæg indebære, at Amanda vil berige os med et udpluk af sine sange
Tonight, we will be visited by singer, musician, and frontwoman of AYA MAI, Amanda Thomsen, who will share her reflections on pursuing a career in the music industry. Amanda will talk about her dreams and aspirations for her music, as well as the challenges that come with making a mark in a commercial and competitive industry. How does her faith in God play a role in her dreams and challenges? And does faith have an impact on her musical output?
In addition to her presentation, Amanda will enrich us with a selection of her songs.