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Stress and another story

  • Fredens Kirke 68D Ryesgade København, 2100 Denmark (kort)

Speaker: Kristian Kappel, KFS staff member and cand. theol.

"30 percent of all Danish students are stressed out all or a large part of the time. Nearly 8 out of 10 are stressed out in connection with the exam, while about 40 percent are stressed because of the studies in general" - This is the conclusion from the Danish Magisterforening after a major study in 2016.
Apparently there is something in the public narrative of progress, freedom, free competition and globalization that makes it very difficult to find rest. But how does this story that society tells students today really look - and it is possible to challenge it / tell a different and less stressful story of how the world is?

Senere begivenhed: 27. februar
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